Create capabilities, build momentum, and foster teams and culture, while avoiding costly mistakes taking your ideas to the next stage.

We’re a little different from traditional Accelerators, preferring to focus on the hard challenges that new teams face to create market impact, attract talent, and become a profitable business. The startup sectors we tend to focus on most are: Marketplaces, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Proptech, Traveltech, Foodtech, e-commerce & AI SaaS.

Achieve your goals with support from our personalised advisory:

  • Create, Assess & Fund
  • Strategic Direction
  • Product-Market Fit
  • Co-founder & Mentor matching
  • Talent and equity plans

Create, Assess & Fund

Prepare your startup for the next stages by assessing key areas you might have overlooked or not had time to address in enough detail. Some of the key areas we can help you with:

  • Know your customer and value chain
  • Create MVP fast, fail & learn fast
  • Assess market size (TAM) and entry
  • Team structure and skills plan
  • Pitch deck and funding options
  • Finance FP&A and funding

Seeking funding can be time-consuming, and emotionally exhausting, and VCs can be over-aggressive in terms of their negotiation and terms. We recommend exploring all funding options, especially if you already have a track record and some revenue. We can help you with this process end-to-end, tapping into a range of funding options fast, and letting you decide the best path forward.

Strategic Direction

Shaping your strategic direction might take time to develop. Despite encouraging you to develop your MVP fast, understanding your strategic direction can take longer, with pivoting often a part of the process. Knowing the paths available and consciously going after one and committing to it becomes critical at the scale-up stage.

Corporations can leverage their resources, proven business models, and customer lifetime value to rapidly scale new initiatives, while startups, though often lacking the same budget and experience, can innovate quickly and seize growth opportunities. This agility can threaten established market participants, who will respond in ways that challenge startups’ ability to capture value. The strategic decisions for startups often boil down to whether to collaborate or compete, and whether to build strong protections (a moat) or focus on rapid market share (storm a hill), each approach carrying trade-offs in speed, control, and resource demands.

Intellectual Property StrategyProtect all proprietary innovation with patents and licenses to maintain control and become the essential tech component everyone needs.
Architectural StrategyDevelop a proprietary platform that dominates the new value chain, ensuring you can reach and keep your customers anywhere, anytime.
Value Chain StrategyLeverage deep knowledge of existing value chains to build unique capabilities in a single “horizontal” layer and become an indispensable partner.
Disruption StrategyTarget a smaller, underserved customer segment to build traction, develop new technology, and eventually disrupt bigger incumbents.

Product-Market fit

Startups are created with the assumption that there is a product or service that a group or “target addressable market” will want to use or buy. This is often known as the product-market fit hypothesis. The product must surpass its prototype and MVP stage and be ready for promotion and bought by its target market. Once the product or service has traction and is marketable – meaning that it is widely purchased and received well by the people – it has achieved product-market fit.

A better understanding of your real TAM (Target Addressable Market), SAM (Serviceable Attainable Market), and SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market) will provide a better focus for your product strategy. Remember, market share efficiency (MSE) is your primary goal, so be realistic with SOM. e.g. just 2% of TAM is considered successful by many benchmarks.

Co-founder Matching

More than one founder is nearly always better than one. Three might be even better in some cases. It’s a tough adjustment to accept sharing your journey with other co-founders, but the chances of success and rewards are much higher.

We can find and screen the best co-founders for your startup, so let’s discuss this opportunity, and discover that you are also addressing one of the biggest concerns for investors.

Mentor Matching

Surrounding yourself, listening and learning from other experienced Entrepreneurs and Investors, who have been through similar challenges, can be a game changer and have a massive impact on your trajectory. As well as our core team, we have a large network of suitable mentors to consider. More importantly, we have the process and experience to ensure mentors deliver value and commit time and consideration to your venture.

Talent & Equity Plans

Boost your team’s experience, skills and motivation by hiring the best talent and having an equity/option-based reward plan. Crucial now for “smaller” and “leaner” startups to attract experienced engineers, and leverage AI to do as much of the mundane work as possible. This means you want to lock in talent with transparent equity plans.

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