Accelerate your product portfolio development with teams that deliver quality solutions and protoypes that let you test your product-market fit strategy.

We specialise in getting the MVP concept out to market quickly and with the simplest technology and effort possible. There’s always room to evolve your roadmap, but getting the right ideas, technology, culture, and continuous ops coordinated to deliver value early to your market, needs to be shaped and formed with pragmatism. Take the guesswork out of making your POCs, Prototypes, or early version builds and engage Glomodus to help you.

It’s a critical stage, that can make or break your ideas and startup. We also appreciate that you need to build strong relationships with skilled and loyal teams, who are dedicated and can deliver value. Glomodus can create multiple sourcing models to suit your context and goals:

Fleixbile Outsourcing

Dedicated PM and external team delivering your software on negotiable outsourcing terms.

In-house Teams

Ready to hire software teams embedded in your organisation. You lead and manage directly in-house.

Staff Augmentation

Specialist skills to boost your teams where needed. e.g. Architects, Designers, or Developers.

Solution Expertise

The following are the areas of expertise we can apply to create your products. All work is managed using Agile methodologies, which means you have a consistent approach to managing deliverables with top talent.

POC or MVP PropositionsCreative minimum viable product or proposition (MVP), to turn ideas into reality by focusing on the essential features needed to test and validate them. This will help you make decisions regarding your roadmap, value proposition, and your business model.
Custom Software DevelopmentAgile software development services designed for your business with efficient development workflows give you the control and flexibility you need without compromising on quality.
UI/UX Design MethodsOur designers provide detail-oriented services focused on exceeding client expectations by creating beautiful, user-friendly designs of systems, web portals, and mobile applications.
Software Testing & QADrive quality at every stage of the development process, using multiple techniques, including automation, and integrated testing. Quality needs to be addressed as a key part of the solution strategy.
ERP, CRM & MarketingA well-integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) system are at the heart of your business. We help you turn it into a powerful asset to drive efficiency and growth.
Business IntelligenceGenerate metrics and insights for every aspect of your business intelligence services. Drive strategies, decision making and continuous improvement with detailed analytics, data science, data mining, data visualization, and modern data infrastructures.
Data & Integration Build an API composable, data-centric business with a flexible and scalable microservice model. Harness and expose data to maximise its quality and uses to bring benefits throughout the organisation and your customers.
Mobile and Web DevelopmentUsing user-centric design and scalable technology, we create professionally crafted websites, and native mobile apps giving your customers and people engaging experiences.
Blockchain and CryptoGenerate metrics and insights for every aspect of your business intelligence services. Drive strategies, decision making and continuous improvement with detailed analytics, data science, data mining, data visualization, and modern data infrastructures.
Marketplace & EcommerceScale your company and discover untapped business opportunities with our AI and machine learning services. Develop custom AI solutions using leading-edge technologies.
Artificial IntelligenceScale your company and discover untapped business opportunities with our AI and machine learning services. Develop custom AI solutions using leading edge technologies.
Internet of ThingsImplement large-scale IoT public and commercial projects, including smart cities, smart buildings, industrial monitoring, telemetrics, sensors, parking & traffic solutions.
Cloud ComputingOur cloud-computing services help organizations drive innovation and business transformation by increasing business agility, lowering costs, and reducing IT complexity.
Maintenance and SupportScale your company and discover untapped business opportunities with our AI and machine learning services. Develop custom AI solutions using leading-edge technologies.

Why Choose Glomodus

From idea to completion, we provide clients with an objective plan of how to deliver early stages quickly and to high standards. Leveraging our extensive technology, digital business, product management, and agile expertise, in corporates and startups, we structure each initiative with the right solution partner.

The key benefits can be summarised as follows:

Find Out More

Our team will set up an introduction session to discuss your goals and needs.

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